Welcome to Cello Girl's latest adventure in which she discovers the secret of the Olde Lighthouse.
What could it be? ***Spoiler ahead*** Do not look at the next picture if you don't want to know!
Cello Girl's hair is Dropping from Tableau Vivant's Water Lily gacha. She is wearing her Cello Dress and Holton Shoes from Moon Amore's Orchestra gacha. In the top picture she's also wearing her Melody Headdress from the same gacha along with her Lorgnette from ChiChica. All are now at The Arcade. Her Moon Headband is from Just Yaska.
The Arcade is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Arcade/70/131/33
The amazing Olde Lighthouse is from Little, Big Designs. It looks like a straight forward miniature lighthouse model, but if you click it, you'll find three doors that rotate open revealing the inside. I was impressed that the windows still line up when it's open. I was astounded that the land impact is only 9. You can also resize it to fit your decor. Little, Big Designs has a series of amazing dollhouses. and you can see them now at the Home, Garden & Breedables Expo: