Welcome to my fashion blog!

The banner is illumination from a copy of The Gutenberg Bible.

Welcome! This is Trilby Minotaur Serenade's blog about art and fashion in the virtual world of Second Life.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


I'm in an art study group that meets Monday nights at 6:00 PM, SLT. Last week we went to an installation called Lichtbringer at LEA2. The LEA sims are awarded to artists who submit a proposal and pass a review. They then have a sim and 6 months to create their environment. You land here and will see some textured spheres to teleport with. There's also a free cinematic camera to pick up. When you wear it, your view is long and narrow like in a movie theater. Explore a bit where you land, and you'll find other gifts. They recommend setting your graphics to ultra, and it's really worth it, if your computer can handle it, even for a few minutes.

There are 8 environments to experience. Some are quite psychedelic. You can see in the photo above how the light is projecting on my avatar. I'm in the pictures to give you a sense of scale, and also I'm trying out some Pre-Raphaelite poses. The next photo is at SpaceRocks. It's an environment with giant physical rocks tumbling about. You can sit on some of them and dance around in the chaos.

Here's another shot:

This next photo was taken at Holodeck, where you can do tai chi, among other things.

Here's another view. Notice how the light has changed. Everything is constantly changing. And there's a lot more to see.


Lichtbringer information
Lichtbringer landmark
Dress: Noemi from Luas
Hair: Sweetheart hair from Kotte
Necklace and crown from Les Sucreries de Fairy at Cosmopolitan
Waterhouse poses from Alchemy Immortals
Catwa's Catya head
Maitreya body
Vista pro hands
Art Study Group meets here. All are welcome.

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