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Welcome! This is Trilby Minotaur Serenade's blog about art and fashion in the virtual world of Second Life.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Worth the Wait

 "Surely he'll be here soon. I'll just check my email..."

"Hmmm... no answer."


"Mmmm....Worth the wait!"

The Nerenzo patio chair has lots of animations to pass the time. It's available in two versions: adult which has 208 bento animations, and cuddle which has 67. The chair comes with plants, candy, candles, and rose petals-- everything you need to set the mood. The table also rezzes props including champagne and strawberries. Plus there's a texture menu that lets you customize all the furniture colors. The land impact is low and the quality is high, so check it out at the Home, Garden & Breedables Expo:

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely set and a lovely setting as well.!! Great pics
