Welcome to my fashion blog!

The banner is illumination from a copy of The Gutenberg Bible.

Welcome! This is Trilby Minotaur Serenade's blog about art and fashion in the virtual world of Second Life.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

I'm back!

Welcome back to my blog, gentle readers. My typist has been dealing with a movement disorder and needed some time away to get used to the idea (and get the meds right!) 

I'm going to start with a new avatar. This one debuted at The Fantasy Faire last year. Second Life has a big, tiny population, that is, a large number of small avatars. Today we are talking about Dinkies, which are tiny mesh cats. These avatars can be modified, and for years, one of my favorite looks was a tiny panda. I have a new favorite now, a Sphynx cat! I love hairless animals, and my typist has had a few. She has also met some Sphynx cats in real life. Enough rambling. Here's the kitty:

These cats have attitude! This one likes Theosophy, Ouija boards, and just about anything mysterious or magical. She lives in the Victorian era, whether anyone else does or not, and has a collection of teeth that she keeps in a sardine tin under the couch. The energy around standing stones attracts her, so of course she likes Caledon Speirling.

Her favorite place is the HP Blavatsky Memorial Library. 

She likes napping amid piles of books, even when they float and spin around, and even when a strange green light comes through the stained glass above her.


!!!CHARM Dinki Heart earrings with diamonds 
!!!CHARM Dinkies Antoinette outfit
!!!CHARM Dinkies Hair Aleida_Unrigged
. Hanzel . - Holo Sucuby Glasses
[CIRCA] - "New World" Prophecy Book Lectern - FG's Gift

Today's adventure took place in mystical Caledon Speirling:

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